Frequently Asked Questions

  • Is Mind and Body Intertwined being run by 1 person? Yes! It’s just me, Lisa.
  • When do new posts come out? I’m trying to keep to a schedule of 1 post every 2 weeks and I usually post of Fridays, except for when I post a collaboration.
  • What’s the purpose of Mind and Body Intertwined? The goal is to help people get more control over their lives and to help them live more healthily.
  • What topics are discussed on the blog? Generally, the topics on Mind and Body Intertwined are either about bodily health (think recipes, etc.), mental health, or lifestyle, which includes home design, travel and everything work and finance related.
  • Why don’t you post personal photo’s or your full name? Especially in the mental health section of my blog, I want to be free to discuss not only personal things about me, but also about things my friends and family experience. Therefore, it’s important to me that everyone stays anonymous, so I can write freely.

Want to know more? Let me know in the comments below!

Lots of love,


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Leonie Ford
Leonie Ford
12 days ago

Hi- I recently read about 60 / 40 rule to do with stress affecting physical health. I can’t remember where I read it, and am very interested. It was like 60% of stress affects 40% of physical ailments-OR vice versa. Have you heard of this? I read your 60/40 rule and agree but was interested in the stress versus health issue. Many thanks for considering a reply