Knowledge base

All knowledge is valuable, but some more than others! Here’s the knowledge base for Mind and Body Intertwined. I will add relevant content from this blog, but in the future also to other relevant articles. If you have a suggestion to add, please let me know on my contact page!


  1. Back on track in one weekend: this post is all about getting your life back on track if you feel overwhelmed. This ‘regime’ is pretty strict, so you don’t have to do everything in one weekend, but it gives a good idea of how to balance all the elements of your life.
  2. Stress: the good, the bad and the ugly: stress is something we all deal with and we should have some of it. However, not all types of stress are good and that’s why it’s important to know the difference. Read all about it in this article.
  3. The art of good decisions: we all make mistakes in how we think. Things like stress, pressure and sleep deprivation can make this even worse. This article discusses some common heuristics and biases you should look out for, so you don’t fall into their traps!
  4. The magic fix: All great things cost greater effort. Here’s to why quick fixes and magic solutions don’t work.


  1. The Happy Healthy Brain Diet: this post is about eating in a way that helps your brain to stay healthy. On top, I’ve managed to lose many kilo’s with this diet and it helps me to keep my depression under control a little. I’m obviously not saying that it’s a cure or that it’ll work for everyone, but for me sticking to this diet is seriously important.
  2. Exercising in a way that works for you: I’m the first to admit that I’m not the biggest exercise queen, but that’s why I know how important it is to find something that fits your body, lifestyle and likes. What’s your perfect sport?
  3. The power of antioxidants: antioxidants heal your body when it’s damaged. This helps your skin, mind and overall health to be at it’s best. Here’s how to get them and in what way’s they can be beneficial to you!


  1. The important things in life: life can throw so much at you at the same time, that it can be hard to decide on your priorities. This post will navigate you through those decisions!
  2. Saving money without devaluing your life: financial worries are some of the biggest stressors a person can have. This e-book will help you save money, without making you feel like you have to give up on your quality of life! And of course it’s completely free, you would only have to subscribe to my newsletter to get it.
  3. Be the change you want to see in an environmentally friendly world: Living sustainably is pretty difficult, but vital to save out planet. Here are some tips to help you along on the road to a more eco-friendly life.
  4. The Home sweet home series: A bunch of posts all detailing about different interior design styles to choose for your home.

I hope you’ve enjoyed these posts and I’d love to hear your ideas!

Lots of love,


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