The Vincent Ehindero Blogger Award
It’s an end start of my week and almost month, because I have great news to share with all of you! I have been nominated for a Vincent Ehindero Blogger Award by the wonderful Emma! She has an amazing blog with lots of skincare, selfcare and lifestyle tips. Some of my favourite posts of her were the no-flour brownies, her self care tips and her fitness journey, so definitely go check her out!

The rules:
1. Thank the person who nominated you with a link to their blog.
2. Make a post of the award (with a photo of the logo).
3. Post the rules
4. Ask 5-10 questions of your choice.
5. Nominate 10-30 other bloggers (or more) and notify them.
The answers:
- What brings you the most happiness?
- Having dinner with the people I love. What’s better than good food, some wine and the perfect company?
- What things do you really want to do once this pandemic is over?
- I can’t wait to sit on a terrace with friends with a drink and some snacks
- Whats your favourite dessert, and why?
- Stracciatella ice cream! As a child, I thought I was smart, because by choosing stracciatella, I got 2 flavours in one and this feeling of ‘outsmarting my parents’ sticked with me when tasting this.
- What’s your pet peeve?
- People who don’t take their environment into account, so they wait in weird places or suddenly stop walking etc.
- Do you believe in the law of attraction? Explain your reasoning.
- Definitely! Of course, it doesn’t always work, but I do think that the way you look at life often has an impact on your environment. For instance, when the weather is very hot, you can complain about it or see it as the perfect reason to get some (stracciatella) ice cream. Then you might ask a friend to come with you and you’ll have a great day. Otherwise, you’ll sit at home, being annoyed and you’ll see pictures of delicious ice cream on Instagram and feel lonely, because you are not with friends. So I think by being positive and optimistic, you’ll take more chances and that’ll come back to you.
- Are you a morning person or night person?
- Night! Please don’t talk to me in the first hour after I wake up, but after that, we’ll party all day and night long!
- What do you want to do before you die?
- Skydiving! I am terribly afraid of heights, so skydiving would be the ultimate way to get over my fears and I’d love to die fearless.
- Do you believe in love at first sight?
- I do believe in falling in love at first sight, but I don’t believe in loving someone at first sight. For loving someone, more is needed.
- Name one thing you can’t live without?
- People! I am a hopeless extrovert so I would be bored and lonely without people to contact, doesn’t matter if it’s online or offline.
- Who inspires you the most, and why?
- From ‘famous’ people I would say Stephen Fry. In my eyes, he comes so close to being a ‘homo universalis’ in the current times. He is passionate about so many things, is incredibly well-read, has nuanced opinions and able to articulate them with respect to people who disagree, he has an amazing sense of humour and he spends lots of time helping others. If I grow up to come close to that, I will be very satisfied.
My nominees are:
- The Refusal of Mediocrity – A great fitness blogger
- Concealed Voices – An amazing men’s mental health blogger
- Mind over Meds – A lovely lifestyle, health and fitness blogger
- The Worrying Wife – The sweetest self love blogger
- Living with a Vision – An amazingly personal mental health blogger
- Life is Homemade – Delicious recipes and great tips to make life easier
- Lauren Hollie – She keeps me in shape in a fun way
- Peace, Love, Harmony – Lifestyle and wellness are her specialties
- The Ray Journey – All about establishing passive income sources and achieving financial freedom
- Rach Talks Business – About business tactics and marketing strategies
- Lam and the Glam – Lifestyle and fashion are the key subjects
- Life with Ktkinnes – All about how to navigate and enjoy life
- Bailey Leah – I adore her skincare advice
- The Everygirl – Especially the career section inspires me so much!
So I’d like to know:
- What’s your favourite way to pass the time?
- What’s your favourite social media platform?
- At what age did you know what you wanted to be when you grew up?
- What’s a quirky thing you do sometimes?
- What made you start your blog?
- Who gives you the best advice in life?
- What’s your favourite film genre?
- What is essential in a great blog from your point of view?
- What’s your favourite way to relax?
- What’s your greatest passion?
I’d love to hear all your answers and thanks again to Emma for nominating me!
Lots of love,
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Congrats! it’s always fun to read these interviews and get to know fellow bloggers a little bit better. Keep up the good work!
Thank you so much! I will try 🙂
What’s your favourite way to pass the time? my favorite way to pass time is spending time in nature and with friends and family
What’s your favourite social media platform? i use a mixture of both instagram i share everything facebook is for family and seriors talks and topics
At what age did you know what you wanted to be when you grew up? i guess an early age as always dreamed of being a mom and now a stay at home mom prusuing a lifestyle blog
What’s a quirky thing you do sometimes? Im an ambivert so way to many to list but i am me
What made you start your blog? to help raise awaraness and create a supportive safe space so others dont fell alone and can find helpful tips to manage through
Who gives you the best advice in life? for me the bible it has all the anwser for whatever we may be feeling or going through
What’s your favourite film genre?country, rock and christian (sorry i like mixture and couldnt choose just one)
What is essential in a great blog from your point of view? helpful and communitive and supportive
What’s your favourite way to relax? music, nature, fires, time with friends & family, coffee meditation, audiobooks
What’s your greatest passion? helping other and being creative and helpful
Lovely to get to know you more! And so great how you are so focused on helping others, that’s so sweet of you!
Thank you so much for the nomination that means so much to me! 🥰 I loved learning more about you so I wanted to tell you a little bit more about myself 🤗
1. My favorite way to pass the time is hanging out with ylmy husband, whether its doing yoga or going out on the town. He’s my best friend and my rock❤
2. My favorite social media platform is a toss between Instagram and Twitter. I love taking and posting pictures, not so much for the like but to show my creativity in modeling and photography. I do love the Twitter community I feel they are the most supportive and kind community I’ve come across on social media.
3. Pshhh…i still don’t know what I want to be when I grow up hahahah😂
4. I have to pack groceries with similar groceries
5. I’ve always loved writing but I’ve been out of touch with it for a long time. When quarantine started, I thought about blogging to share my thoughts and feelings about life, health, and wellness.
6. My mom gives me the best advice ❤
7. Oh gosh, I love cinema before quarantine started I would go to the movies every week or every other week. I really enjoy every genre, comedy might be my least favorite because I’m very picky when it comes to comedy.
8. What’s essential for a great blog is to know your audience. Everyone has different writing style a d personally, I like to talk to my audience it makes me feel more personable. However it’s important to know who is reading your blog and to pick topics that would either apply to them or appeal to them so they subscribe and continue to read your posts😊
9. My favorite way to relax is to cuddle up on the couch with a cup of tea or glass of wine and watch a movie or go on a nice nature walk/hike.
10. My greatest passion is starting healthy. Everyday I strive to keep as healthy as I can by keeping active and eating clean healthy foods.
Thank you so much! It was really cool to get to know you a little bit more! It sounds like you have a great relationship with your husband and I couldn’t agree more on comedy! I think comedy is a strongly underrated genre, it’s so hard to make/find a good one!
Thank you so much for the nomination! I loved learning more about you!
No problem at all and I am looking forward to learn more about you as well! 😀