Tv-shows from the past

Tv-shows from the past

Lately, I’ve had some trouble with finding new tv-shows I love. Although I enjoyed ‘the Crown’ and I was captivated by ‘You’, some shows leave a greater impact. So, I decided to look back at some shows I used to watched when I was young and see what they taught me and what I think of them now, years later!

Grey’s Anatomy

This was one of the first ‘adult’ shows I watched when I was young and I loved it. I basically grew up believing that perfect love was like that of Meredith and Derek; complicated, but worth it. On top of that, it sparked my first interest in the magical world that is the brain. The strange things the brain does when it’s stressed or hurt has always been incredibly fascinating to me ever since this show. That fascination was actually one of the reasons why I studies Psychology. Therefore, you could definitely say this show has had a great influence on me.

When I watched it back now, I firstly realised how many things are actually incorrect when it comes to the brain and brain surgery. It was pretty funny to see how the show that started my interest in the field actually was so wrong. However, this did not make the show less entertaining to me. It’s often not really about the medical side at all, so that helps. The romance is much more important in the show and in that, I’ve noticed that there are lots of topics that I understand better now that I am older. For instance, the scene where Meredith stole her own baby was ridiculous to me when I was young. Now, I have a better understanding how far a mother would go to keep and protect her baby, even if it’s not a rational action. I’m not a mother myself (yet), so I’m interested to see what that will be like when it comes to that.

Desperate Housewives

I loved this show, even though I was far from a housewife myself and I probably only understood about 50% of the jokes. It was fast, snappy and it had such funny characters. I once bumped into Jesse Metcalfe in Berlin years later and I was completely starstruck. I even used to play the computer game from this show. Although I wouldn’t say it had a big influence on me back then, I do recognise certain behaviorisms now. For instance, when I get stressed, I can recognise some personality traits of Bree, but when I feel happy in my relationship, I can be as passionate as Gabriella and often, I’m as awkward as Susan can be. I think these characters are recognisable for many women and that that’s a big part of their success. When I rewatched the show, I barely noticed how old it actually is, apart from the clothes sometimes and for instance the cellphones. It’s almost a timeless show since it deals with so many universal topics, like friendships, ageing and relationships.

Gossip girl

Yes, I bought headbands after watching this show (both when I watched it the first time as recently). Gossip girl was the perfect girly show that you had to watch when I was young and honestly, I still love it. The drama is relatable to young girls, but especially the newer episodes can also resonate with you when you’re older. I vividly remember my high school drama. Although it was nothing like Gossip Girl, it certainly felt like it sometimes. I held on to this show when the ‘mean girls’ at my school acted up, since it helped me remember that they probably have issues themselves.


Although Revenge didn’t air for that long, I loved the show. It was the perfect mixture of romance and excitement . The best thing about it was the way people spoke the nicest words with the meanest meanings. It’s a little bit of how I was raised (not that intensely though of course). My parents always taught me not to fight with my fists and not to be mean. However, they did teach me to defend myself with a smile. When people would say mean things, I’d smile and told them off in ways I know would hurt them in their insecurities or to warn them not to push me. Although it didn’t work on some, it did work on the meanest people. Kill them with kindness is definitely a good strategy in some cases and Revenge shows how!

Black mirror

This show isn’t actually that old. However, I haven’t seen new seasons in a while I thought it would be okay to put it on this list. I included this one also in the list of shows that make you think. It deals with serious topics, like the dangers of social media in our society and artificial intelligence. I’m not a conspiracy thinker at all, but the problems posed in this show are often not that far from reality and they are genuinely terrifying. So, if you’re looking for a show that makes you work more mentally, this is definitely the one for you!

I hope you liked this list. What shows have helped you to become who you are? Let me know in the comments below! And if you liked this, please subscribe to my blog or follow me on Instagram, Pinterest and Twitter, so you’ll never have to miss a new post. You’ll even get a free e-book on saving money, so you can spend it on your Netflix or Amazon Prime account instead!

Lots of love,


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Hi there! My name is Lisa and I am the author of Mind and Body Intertwined. I have a bachelor's and a master's degree in psychology. During my study, I found out how much the mind and the body are connected and it fascinated me, which is why I started my blog. Would you like to join me on this little corner of the world?

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4 years ago

I didn’t watch any of these shows, but they weren’t shows that were around when I was younger–I was adult by the time they came out. The medical show of my youth was ER but it certainly didn’t inspire me to study medicine or the brain or anything. It was fun to watch for a while though. Thanks for sharing!

Mind and Body Intertwined
Reply to  Giulia

I haven’t watched ER yet but it’s definitely on my list. I just love all medical shows haha, so I’m sure I’ll love it!

4 years ago

These are some great choices. Grey’s is just my absolute favourite! Am I right in thinking revenge just got cancelled before it was finished?? I loved it and was gutted when it stopped.

I’ve been dipping in and out of Gossip girl again and loving it x

Mind and Body Intertwined

Yeah Revenge just dropped off suddenly, I was so sad about it!

Jenny in Neverland
4 years ago

I’ve always adored Desperate Housewives. Last year, I rewatched the whole thing and loved it just as much!

Mind and Body Intertwined

It’s strange how it stays relevant and fascinating isn’t it? 😁

4 years ago

Grey’s Anatomy and Desperate Housewives are some of my absolute favorites, would never miss an episode! I never watched Black Mirror, but it sounds interesting! Thanks for sharing x

Mind and Body Intertwined
Reply to  CristinaR

Black mirror is so cool, it’s way darker than Grey’s and DH but really worth it 👌🏻

4 years ago

I started Grey’s Anatomy in May last year as a little lockdown treat and I’m still there. I’m now on season 14 but since Derek left the show, it’s just not the same for me. His departure rocked me for days!


Mind and Body Intertwined
Reply to  loverosiee

I get what you mean, I’ve watched the show 3 times in total and the second time, I quit when Derek left because I was so distraught! It’s worth it to pull through though 😁

4 years ago

Hubby and I are actually binge watching desperate housewives now on Netflix. I remember when this show first aired I was so young. Watching it now, it is far more interesting. Each and every episode is so good!

xo Erica

Mind and Body Intertwined

Haha I had the same, I was 12 when I watched it so a lot has happened. It’s scary how much I can relate to certain character traits now 😂

Billie Geena
4 years ago

I’m the worst and haven’t seen most of these shows. I remember watching Revenge when it first came out but I kept missing it and couldn’t catch up. Definitely going to check out these shows though!

Mind and Body Intertwined
Reply to  Billie Geena

Haha well Revenge is a great place to start! It’s so entertaining 👌🏻

4 years ago

I haven’t watched most of the shows on this list, but I love Gossip Girl! Definitely need to rewatch it! Thanks for sharing!

Serena /

4 years ago

I used to binge watch grey’s anatomy, and now I switch to Chicago med. I don’t know why i have this thrill of watching medical series! 😉

Mind and Body Intertwined
Reply to  Vinn

Haha same here! I’ve been trying New Amsterdam and I’ve watched House in between, it’s just so entertaining 😁

Kelly Diane
4 years ago

This is a great list. I used to love watching Desperate Housewives.