5 Ways to Help the Mental Health of a Loved One

5 Ways to Help the Mental Health of a Loved One

Today, we have another guest post by the lovely Eleanor from Not-So-Modern Girl. At Mind and Body Intertwined, we’ve talked a lot about helping yourself. However, today we’ll talk about how to help a loved one when their mental health is declining. Without further ado, let’s read what she has to say.

5 Ways to Help the Mental Health of a Loved One

Looking out for your mental health is so important- but sometimes it’s also necessary to look out for someone else’s mental health. Whether it’s your friend, your daughter, your brother, or your husband- looking out for another person’s mental health is so important when they’re feeling low.

Here I’ve put together a list of 5 ways you can help the mental health of a loved one. These are only small things- and of course if someone seems to be really struggling, professional help needs to be sought out. 

However, by considering these ideas you could support someone in their mental health journey, helping them take steps to look after themselves- and show that you care about what they’re going through, particularly during these tough times.

1. Reach out

This is so important. Sometimes all a loved one wants is for you to be there. Whether it’s a friend or parent that you want to support, sending a quick message or even just asking how they’re doing can help their mental health a lot.

If you’re feeling low, someone taking the first step and reaching out to you is so important, so be that support for your loved one and help them express their issues in a relaxed, supportive environment. Or, if they just need to have a chat with you about something else to take their mind off everything- that’s fine too!

2. Make them take a break

Often mental health issues revolve around stress. So, if your loved one is low or stressed or burned-out- try and get them to take a break. This may be hard sometimes, but you need to take regular breaks if you’re swamped at work, or if you’re letting yourself get stressed over small things. 

Take your loved one for a run, suggest they join a class (once lockdown restrictions are lifted), or even suggest a date night to give your partner a well-earned break.

3. Watch out for their hygiene

When a loved one becomes stressed or low, personal hygiene often goes out of the window. Taking a bath can be a perfect way to unwind and forget your troubles- so a good way to look out for the mental health of your loved one is to push them to make time for self-care. 

Run them a bath, give them time to shower in peace, or even buy them a new bath bomb. Anything that will make them feel relaxed and calm- and mean they’re looking out for their hygiene even when they’re at their lowest.

4. Buy them a present

This could be anything from a cute spontaneous bunch of flowers, to a lovely home-cooked dinner. Doing something loving for your loved one is so important to boosting their mental health- and any small act of kindness can really help your loved one know that they’re supported if they need to reach out for help. 

Random acts of kindness are so underrated, and can really show your friend, partner, or family member that you love them and you’re here for them if they ever need anything. In addition, they’ll also remind him or her of your love when you’re not around. Having something tangible around them that shows your love for them can help them in times of distress.

5. Get them help

If you feel your loved one is really struggling- encourage them to find help. While you’ll always be there, not everything can be solved with a comforting shoulder or a self-care day- so in order to look out for your loved one, remind them that professional help could be an option if they need it. 

Sometimes, all it takes is for someone you love to give you that final push to reaching out for professional help, so look out for the mental health of your loved one by showing you will support them through whatever they need.

I hope during these difficult times you’re finding ways to look out for your mental health and the mental health of your family, friends, and other loved ones. These are a few simple ways to help look out for your loved ones- and if you ever need some support, surround yourself with helpful, kind people who will be with you through thick and thin!

So all in all…

These times are difficult, the quarantine can make us feel so alone. That’s why we all need to support and help each other out. I want to thank the lovely Eleanor for this beautiful post. I also really hope it will help you when someone you love is not feeling the best. Please take a look at not-so-modern girl out, here’s her blog, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest. She has all kinds of this amazing content on there. Want to read more guest posts here? Read all about men’s mental health with Concealed Voices!

Lots of love,

Eleanor and Lisa

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Hi there! My name is Lisa and I am the author of Mind and Body Intertwined. I have a bachelor's and a master's degree in psychology. During my study, I found out how much the mind and the body are connected and it fascinated me, which is why I started my blog. Would you like to join me on this little corner of the world?

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4 years ago

Great tips! The best thing you can do for your loved one, no matter what they are going through, is to let them know you’re there whenever they need you.

All the best, Michelle (michellesclutterbox.com)

Mind and Body Intertwined
Reply to  Michelle

Yeah support like that is so important! It brings safety.

Amber Page
Amber Page
4 years ago

This is a really important topic especially in these times thank you for sharing this!

Amber | The Unpredicted Page | https;//theunpredictedpage.com

4 years ago

Such a great need. I try to reach out as much as I can but I think I’ll be working more on letting people know that I am here for them!


Mind and Body Intertwined
Reply to  loverosiee

Sometimes just saying it out loud can be so strong, even if it’s over the phone or something. 😊

4 years ago

That was a very helpful post! It’s so important to just let them know you’re there and help them take a break! Thanks for these helpful tips, I will make great use of them x

4 years ago

These are some fab tips and sometimes a small.token of your appreciation really can make someone feel better. I also like how you mentioned watch out for their hygiene as this is something that I find slips when I have bad mental health days x

Emily Clare
4 years ago

I think these are all really important. I often find its the little things that help too!


Lisa's Notebook
4 years ago

I love Eleanor’s blog and she’s shared some great tips here. Especially the one about reaching out, which is so simple but so straight forwrad. Thank you for sharing this post.

Mind and Body Intertwined

I was so happy to have her on this platform 😁 it’s an honor!

Jenni @ I on Image
4 years ago

Thank you for sharing these ideas to help. It’s easy to forget that very small kind gestures can help a lot xx

Mind and Body Intertwined

Definitely! Those small things or kind words can make a world of a difference!

4 years ago

Aw, these are such great tips! I know a lot of people who are having trouble at this time. It’s so tough especially when you’ve been used to being around people your whole life then suddenly not being able to see them at all. I love sending treats to my loved ones once in a while! x


Mind and Body Intertwined

Sounds like you’re offering great support for your loved ones 😁 I hope everyone is doing okay!

Kelly Diane
4 years ago

These are some really great tips. Sometimes just telling someone that you’re there for them and that they aren’t alone is enough.