Too good not to try; The too good to go app!

I am that kind of person that has hundreds of apps on my phone that I never use. I’m especially sensitive to apps that are supposed to save me money on groceries etc. However, I found the app of the century and I have fallen hopelessly in love with it! No, this article is not sponsored. It is just that I can’t contain my enthusiasm any longer for the too good to go app.

How does the app work?

The app works pretty simple. You fill in your location. Then, it searches for food companies that are linked to the app. These are companies ranging from restaurants to hotels to supermarkets. They only have in common that they sell food in some way and that they are done with the food waste in this day and age. The companies make an estimate of the food that they will not be able to sell for today or the day after and they sell it to you for a  fraction of the price. This way, the food does not get wasted and you have cheap food!

The catch? You have no idea what you are going to get. Therefore, it requires some creative recipe ideas and you have to get the boxes at ‘weird’ hours, like a breakfast box at 10 AM. You also have to be quick to get the best boxes, because they run out easily. But if you work flexible hours, it is the perfect solution!

Grocery haul!

I do not kid you; the investment is 110% worth it in all my cases! I have personally had 2 breakfasts at a hotel. One too good to go box came from a bakery. One box came from a supermarket. I’m so happy to tell you none of them have disappointed me.

From the ‘breakfasts boxes’, I could eat one entire day worth of food from each one. There was a cup of different fruits, a banana, different kinds of bread like chocolate pains, croissants and raisin bread and a couple of spreads and slices cheeses and meats.

The bakery box lasted me for three days worth of breakfasts, lunches and desserts. It contained a whole loaf of bread, 5 croissants, 2 huge pastries filled with cream and cheesy breads. The supermarket topped it of with a sort of BBQ box for at least two people, with different kinds of meats, hotdogs, vegetables, spreads, biscuits, muffins, puddings and more.

Let’s talk money

I didn’t calculate the exact worths of the contents of the boxes, but roughly said the breakfast boxes cost me 4 euros. The boxes had about 10 euros worth of food in them. I could take them with me at 10.00 A.M. This is a normal breakfast time for me, so that was not too much of an inconvenience. The hotel is also situated at a walking distance of 5 minutes from my house. This made getting this box easy enough.

The bakery box also cost me 4 euros. It contained 15 euros worth of food (it actually had a receipt on the bag, so I know this for sure). I got this at 5 P.M., but walking there was about 15 minutes, so it was a little less convenient but 100% worth it.

The supermarket box was 5 euros. It contained at least 30 euros worth of food, so this was definitely the best one. I could get it between 8 P.M. and 10 P.M. Therefore, it was perfect for me to get out of work (since I was done at 9.30). It was actually on my way home.

The highlights of the too good to go app

In addition to having delicious foods for a ridiculously low price, the best part for me is the unpacking. It feels like opening a present, since you have no idea what is in there. Most of the food in the boxes is almost expired. Therefore, they have to be eaten quite quickly after the purchase. So, when you get a box, you immediately have to start matching ingredients to make the most out of the stuff you have, which is super fun! I love puzzling like this.

The next thing is somewhat more obvious, and that is that you do something amazing for the environment! A lot of food gets wasted every day and it is such a shame and so unnecessary. With tricks like this, you buy the least harmful things, since they don’t add to the spillage. There is no way the companies joining ‘Too good to go’ make any profit from the boxes – they just have a little less of a loss and waste. This way, we can hopefully make a stand against food waste and make companies buy smarter to help the environment together!

Therefore, I cannot recommend this app enough to anyone with a flexible schedule that wants to save cash and the environment! Especially in big cities, a lot of companies are joining this amazing app. Therefore, it gets easier every day to get a good bargain out of it!

Download too good to go now!

Ready to join? Then please download the app ‘Too good to go‘ or go to their website for more information. This article isn’t sponsored whatsoever (I wish). I just really love the cause and love the app and I genuinely thought it would be cruel not to let you guys get to know the app!

Have you tried a box? What did you get? Were you as happy as I was? Or do you know any other amazing apps like this? Please let me know in the comments below!And if you liked this, please subscribe to my blog or follow me on Instagram, Pinterest and Twitter, so you’ll never have to miss a new post!

Lots of love,


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