Enjoy spring to the fullest!

Enjoy spring to the fullest!

Spring is here again, the season of re-birth, freshness and the doorway to summer. But why should we celebrate spring and how do we enjoy spring to the fullest extend?


The first thing that is wonderful about spring is the flowers everywhere. They pop up in fields, on trees and even in between the pavement stones. To really celebrate these beautiful gems of nature, you can do a couple of things. For a start, you can start planting them in your garden. Since the fear of frost is over and the land is warming up again, there’s no better time to plant!

If you don’t have a garden, you can of course also buy flowers in a pot of put them in a vase to bring nature into your home. And, if you really want to harness the beauty of flowers to their fullest, you can also use them in your food. There are many edible flowers in the world and many are used as garnish, so why not do the same? If you’re not able to get real flowers, you could of course also enjoy fake ones to put in a vase, since that’s a lot cheaper!

Fresh air and scents

You could enjoy the scents from those flowers in the form of home sprays and essential oils in your home as well. If you want to know more about how their scents can affect you, read my post on powerful scents! Another thing I love about spring is the opportunities it brings to enjoy the fresh air. Since the weather is slowly getting better, it’s nicer to go outside for a long walk and you can open up the windows without freezing inside. Nothing beats the scent of freshly cut grass in the spring’s air. This will all help you to also clean the air in your home, so don’t forget this part when you’re spring cleaning!

Light colours

I must admit, I love forest greens, royal blues and bordeaux reds, but it is really nice to freshen up in spring with a lighter colour palette as well. This is something I see in fashion, make-up and home decor this time of the year and it’s almost gives us hope that the dark days are over. Even nature gets brighter and more colourful again! So, get out your whites, beiges, pastels, yellows and pinks, it’s time to shine bright! This also goes perfectly together with the trend of spring cleaning, since it’s the perfect time to also switch out your decorations and your closet now.

Welcome to the world

Another thing that is almost synonymous to spring is the birth of young animals and what can make you happier than seeing happy lambs playing in the fields and little chicks running around their mommy chicken. So, to really enjoy spring, I tend to look for the animals. This can be at local farms and petting zoo’s, where you can actually give them a cuddle as well. However, you can also just look around in nature, for instance the sounds of whistling birds at our windows. When stress levels are high, animals can give you everything you need: love, entertainment and warmth. You could also look if having a pet would suit your lifestyle if you’d like an animal closer to you daily.

Get into the kitchen

We’ve already discussed edible flowers, but there are lots of things that change in a culinary way when spring comes around. To keep us warm in winter, we tend to eat more heavy meals. However, with the sun showing up again, we tend to eat somewhat lighter meals as well. This also has to do with the vegetables and fruits that can optimally be produced in spring, like asparagus, apricots, spinach, peas and pineapples. This allows you to try some very different type of dishes this time of the year, which means you can get as creative as you’d like. I for instance like poke bowls more with warm weather, or a nice pulled chicken wrap, instead of heavy stews. Shopping seasonally is often also cheaper and the produce is at it’s best, so it even tastes better. No reason not to do it!

I hope you likes this post and that it made you more excited about this new season as well! What’s your favourite spring habit or what makes you enjoy spring to the fullest? Let me know in the comments below! And if you want regular updates on this blog, please subscribe and get a free e-book on saving money, so you can also start fresh financially! You can also follow me on Instagram, Pinterest and Twitter, so you’ll never have to miss a new post.

Lots of love,


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Hi there! My name is Lisa and I am the author of Mind and Body Intertwined. I have a bachelor's and a master's degree in psychology. During my study, I found out how much the mind and the body are connected and it fascinated me, which is why I started my blog. Would you like to join me on this little corner of the world?

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Crea account personale
Crea account personale
1 day ago

Your point of view caught my eye and was very interesting. Thanks. I have a question for you.

Simona ~ The Grumpy Olive

This is such a great list, Lisa, I absolutely love spring and your ideas to enjoy it are great. I am about to lock myself in the kitchen for a full week because I love it that much and spring just gets my creativity to a peak!

Salonie Malhotra
3 years ago

Spring is my season of all time. Like really I cannot move my butt until it’s spring time or I see some kind of sunshine. Hehe.

3 years ago

Love this post so much! We’re entering Summer soon but it’s still raining where I live haha. I actually love the rain and its super soothing. I love that the days are brighter and longer though! It’s so nice to have that extra boost! Thanks for sharing, Lisa xx

Lynn | https://www.lynnmumbingmejia.com

Lisa | Mind and Body Intertwined

Same, although the rain does help the flowers grow so well! 😊

Allison | thenutmegdiaries.com

Springtime makes me so happy to wear pastels- especially in my nail polish. And it gets me excited for all the neons for summer! Great post, thanks for sharing!

Sophia Patel
3 years ago

Such a great post! Definietly time to appreciate longer days and brighter colours!


Mariann YipM
3 years ago

Really Love the spring vibes! Lots of colors and flowers! Thanks for sharing your beautiful words.

3 years ago

Beautiful post – Spring is one of my favourite seasons for several of the reasons you’ve outlined above. I love opening all the windows and having fresh air radiate through the living space. Thanks for this post.

Kelly Diane
3 years ago

I love spring. All the baby animals and the colourful flowers just make everything seem brighter. It puts me in such a good mood.