Getting fired

Getting fired

Imagine, you just come out of university and you get your dream job at the company where you did your internship. All my friends from my internship were there and I learned great things working there. I had a great boss and a better salary I could’ve ever hoped for and all I received was positive feedback. Getting fired was far from my mind.

And then the Corona crisis happened. After the first week, we were told to work from home. At the end of the second week, me and the rest of the team were fired and every contract that was ending got discontinued.

The wrap up

It all went down really kindly. I truly feel like the company did the best they could in the situation. This is not going to be a story of blame. Having said that, it was still really hard for me. Without going into this further, the last months of my study didn’t go swimmingly, on that level, but also on a personal level. This felt like one of the few things that went good and suddenly, it was over again.

The weeks after I was fired, I felt so down. I didn’t feel ready to start applying for jobs all over again. Since I had some savings left, I decided I would take my time. I focused a lot on self care, my blog and my social life instead of applying. I blogged, cooked, took baths, had daily video calls with friends and so much more. And as this went on and on, I felt less and less like applying. Every job that came by just didn’t seem as exciting as my old job, it just didn’t seem worth it.

The job

So finally, I pushed myself to apply for a few jobs. I didn’t really know what I wanted so I looked as broad as I could. And one of the first jobs I applied to actually hired me! Although I was a little reserved at first, I did feel excited to start a new adventure. However, as you may know if you follow me on Twitter, it didn’t quite work out and I quit the job.

This gave me a push. From a 100% job fit, to a 0% job fit. In my mind, nothing will live up to my first job immediately, but I can see opportunities now. And I also know what I don’t want, which is maybe even more important.

The moral of the story

Why am I telling you all of this? Because no matter what life hits you with, you will get up again. Bad things can actually bring you the knowledge you need to learn to be happy. Many people struggle after losing a job, not only financially but also emotionally. It hits your feeling of safety, your feelings of self worth and above all your moral. And to be honest, that’s totally okay! You can feel down, you are free to be angry and sad and it’s even fine to feel a little sorry for yourself. However, don’t let yourself be down for too long! There is this saying that says you should never worry, because if you can do something about it, you should instead of being sorry for yourself, and if you can’t, worrying won’t help either and you should focus on something better! Read more about this mindset here!

So please don’t make the same mistake as I did and look ahead instead of keep looking back all the time. It won’t make you happy and it won’t get you anywhere. Although I’m not there yet, I am now fully committed to creating my best life again and so should you! Working hard will get you where you need to be and being negative for too long won’t help you get where you want to be. Want to know how to change your mindset? Read more about mindfulness and positivity!

I hope sharing my experience in getting fired will help you get through tough times, either in your job search or whenever life hits you hard! If you want to get more regular updates, subscribe or follow me on my Instagram, Pinterest or Twitter!

Lots of love,


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Hi there! My name is Lisa and I am the author of Mind and Body Intertwined. I have a bachelor's and a master's degree in psychology. During my study, I found out how much the mind and the body are connected and it fascinated me, which is why I started my blog. Would you like to join me on this little corner of the world?

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3 days ago

Can you be more specific about the content of your article? After reading it, I still have some doubts. Hope you can help me.

Jenny in Neverland
4 years ago

Sorry to hear you got fired. I’m sure a lot of people can relate to this post this year. It sucks. But some great advice in here too 🙂

4 years ago

Thank you for sharing your experience, and I am really sorry that has happened to you. I think you did the right thing by taking some time to look after your mind. I also don’t have my job anymore and it’s been tough but I love having my own days and working on my blog

Em x

The Queensights
4 years ago

The pandemic totally forced many companies to lay off their employees, I’m sorry it happened to you. But I love that you’re positive on it! You’ll find a job that you love soon x

4 years ago

I went through a similar feeling a while back when I lost a long-term job. Like you, I didn’t feel like applying to anything, I just wasn’t ready to start that journey right away… Over time, I realized that it was a blessing in disguise. While I was doing well in my career of choice, I wasn’t happy. Instead, I decided to go back to school and did a complete career change. Today, I am so grateful for the fact that I took that opportunity to find what made me happy.

James L
4 years ago

It’s hard losing a job you really love. I lost one years ago that I was very passionate about and it was hard to find something that motivated me to apply.

Eventually I went to work in a library and Reinvented my career from there!

Good luck with your future, I hope it works out for you.

Aislinn Short
4 years ago

Wow thank you so much for sharing your story 🤍
I wasn’t fired from my job but I didn’t care for it and when an offer came forba different job I grabbed that right away. Unfortunately, the day before I was to start, they couldn’t bring me on right away and told me, “if we need you we’ll let you know.” I told them to forget about it because I didn’t want to spend my days as a puppy dog waiting for a possible job to come. This has been a trying time for everyone around the world, but I believe we’ll get through this stronger than ever. I’m so sorry you lost your job, I wish you the absolute best 🤍

4 years ago

I am sure you will definitely get a job you would love doing. Just keep working. Trust me, everything will be fine.

4 years ago

It’s so hard to recover from stuff like that, but when you do it’s the greatest relief. Sometimes I like to think that when something unfortunate happens, a new opportunity is getting ready to present itself, so hopefully that helps a little! Thank you for sharing, I know this is definitely something we can all relate to!

Liz Hartley
4 years ago

Thats such a shame to hear but its great you have such a positive attitude! I am just finishing my masters so applying for jobs is the next step, but I’m finding it quite hard having interviews and no further follow up, definitely great to keep a positive mindset.