How to make the most of your summer
The sun is out and so do most people when it’s summertime. It’s the time of the year that people tend to go on holiday and travel the world, but it’s also the most expensive time to do so. In my view, summer has so much more to offer! So, let’s take a look at how you can make more of your summer this year.
Learn something new
I find that summer is the perfect time to learn something new! Days are longer, the sun gives me so much more energy and usually, it’s a bit more quiet at the office. So, although I wouldn’t recommend spending days inside during a training, you could read informative books or listen to enlightening podcasts in the sun.
Although the summer is a great time to relax and recharge from the rest of the year, it’s also the perfect time to get inspired. So, instead of reading fictional books like I usually do in winter, I prefer learning something. For me, this is often in the realm of personal efficiency or communication tactics, but it could also be in many other areas. You could even follow online courses whilst sitting in the sun!
Enjoy outside activities
Since the weather tends to get nicer in summer, at least where I live, it’s the perfect time to soak up the sun in a responsible manner (wear your sunscreen!) and go outside! However, when you’re used to relaxing with netflixing inside, laying in bed and more inside activities, it may seem difficult to entertain yourself. Here are some suggestions!
Picnics and terraces
Watching people is my all-time favourite hobby. And in my opinion, there’s no place like a park or in the city to do it. Sitting in the sun with a gin tonic and friends, maybe with some snacks, is the perfect day in my opinion. Therefore, I’ll be meeting outside all throughout summer. I have friends that are still students and a few that have jobs, so I tend to do picnics with my student friends, because of their financial situation, and go to terraces with my working friends. I don’t mind both though.
Although I’m not the most sporty type, summer does make exercising way more inviting. These are the things that get me going:
1. Water activities
Think sailing, windsurfing and swimming in an outside pool or natural waters. Nothing makes me feel so free as being in water. It’s cooling and makes you feel like you’re weightless.
2. Slacklining
Ever heard of this? It’s basically just walking on a cord between two trees, trying to maintain your balance. It’s lowkey and perfect to do when the weather’s warm, because it doesn’t make you feel too warm, but it does train all your muscles at once.
3. Walking and cycling
I’m always in for a long, relaxing walk. It’s great for your mental health and opposed to very intense exercise, it doesn’t ask too much from your muscles, whilst you’re still burning calories. It’s a win-win in my view.
During the pandemic, I started walking an hour every day and in weekends, I’d walk for about 3 hours per day. It kept me fit and helped me to keep my mind clear. It still does actually, although I’m not as strict anymore, because I’ve returned to the office.
Cycling is also a great way to get in the sun and your movement during the day, especially if you can cycle to work or the supermarket. So, since the weather is getting better, go for it!
Yes, I know I said there is much more to do in the summer than traveling, but let’s be honest; traveling is amazing! I could talk about the amazing things I’ve seen and learned on my travels, but I can explain it better in my post about why I love traveling.
I love going to festivals, especially since there is a festival for everyone; think of food festivals, several types of music festivals, arts festivals or sports festivals. In my opinion, a festival is the perfect way to share your hobbies with your friends and loved ones whilst relaxing in the sun. I personally love music festivals of any kind, which I tend to go to with my dad, but I also enjoy an extreme sports festival every once in a while.
Seasonal foods
Something I love about summer is all the seasonal foods that become available. It’s obviously the perfect season for a good barbecue. However, it’s also great for experimenting with salads, mediterranean or asian recipes, and many, many fruits. So, apart from loads of meat at barbecues, it’s also a great season to eat very healthy and take care of yourself. It’s also the perfect season to hydrate, since you’ll need it out in the sun. So, I’d recommend experimenting with cucumber water, citrus water, etc. I like to keep normal tap water in the fridge and some ice cubes in the freezer for hot days.
Walking barefoot
This may seem like a weird one, but I love being able to walk barefoot. When I walk barefoot through my house or grass, it makes me feel more in touch with my surroundings. During winter, this is way too cold. However, in the summer I welcome the cooling touch of my wooden floors or cooling grass to my feet. I do wash my feet every evening when I do this though, because they tend to get dirtier throughout the day obviously. And afterwards, I’d recommend putting on some body butter, foot cream or baby oil on your feet to keep them moisturised and hydrated.
All and all, it’s time to get back into nature, your body and to connect with others again! What do you love most about the summer and what’s your favourite season? A while ago, I also looked at all the benefits of spring if you’re interested. If you want more content like this, please subscribe and get my free e-book to help you save money to buy new furniture. You can also find me on Instagram, Pinterest and Twitter, so you’ll never have to miss a new post.
Lots of love,
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I have done a lot of walking, and I wish I had a way to do the rest! But saving this for next year x
These are all amazing ideas! I really love to enjoy the weather and read outside, it’s such a great way to enjoy it x
Some lovely ideas here. I’m trying to make the most of Summer a bit more this year. The weather has been pretty perfect – not too hot but a lovely temperature.
Thank you so much! The weather sounds perfect indeed, it’s trying to tell you to enjoy it I think 😉
We love summer! Thanks for all the fun and productive ideas.
These are some really great suggestions to help make the most of the summer months and sunshine. I have made a bit of a bucket list on things I would like to this summer to ensure I enjoy the most out of this time. Thank you for sharing your tips!
O wow living next to a lake sounds amazing to me. And you made a great point, not having a garden does make you walk more I think, which is such a great benefit!
O wow this sounds like such a great summer. Beach, animals and vacations, what more does one need? I hope it’ll be quality time for all of you.
They really are! I’m personally a huge cherry fan and they’re so much more full in flavour this time.
My favourite season!
I recently moved into a new apartment. Sure, I miss the comfort of having a house with a garden, but the one thing I enjoy most about my new surroundings is that I’m directly living next to a small lake and park.
I have basically fallen in love with walking again and the best time of the year to embrace it is now upon me!
Great ideas of how we can make the most of our summer. Our family will be taking the opportunity to be together by going to the beach and the zoo every chance we get as well as a week long vacation where we can get away from the hustle of daily life.