My favourite, easy breakfasts
Breakfast is a very important meal, because you it can give you the kickstart your body needs for the day. Mornings are however often busy times, since you have to go to work or school, you have to get ready and possibly, your kids are running around your ankles as well. Here are some of my favourite, easy to make breakfast ideas to help you to get a great start every day!
Yoghurt, cereals, seeds and some fruit
I love to start up with a bowl of low-fat yoghurt, mixed with a teaspoon of chia seeds, a teaspoon of flaxseeds, a banana cut into little pieces and some muesli or cereals. I am not a big fan on muesli on its own, so I often prefer to buy certain types of cereal. However, when you are buying cereal, you have to keep an eye out for its contents, since it is often full of sugar and salt. Mine (unfortunately a Dutch brand, Bolletje) has hazelnuts and cacao in it to give it structure and a nice taste, whereas it is low on sugar. With my blood pressure being as low as it is and the fact that I never cook with salt, I don’t mind some extra salt in the morning.
An alternative I’ve found that’s sold is Barbara’s (Cinnamon) Puffins, which had also less sugar than normal cereals and lots of fibres. It also was similar in its amount of salt.
This breakfast in total is still quite calorific, but I’d rather eat a full meal without snacking and a little less at lunch, than to be hungry throughout the rest of the day (which happens after a smaller breakfast, even if I’ve had a good lunch).
Eggs on a bun
Little can top the feeling of sinking your teeth into a wholewheat, soft bun with a hot fried egg. This is even better if you have some fresh spinach. You get a frying pan, shrink the spinach leaves a little first, crack the egg open on top of it and let it sizzle for a while. When the downside is solid, you can flip it, wait half a minute and place the egg in a soft, wholewheat bun. This gives you some carbohydrates, fibres and healthy fats. On top, it was proven that eggs are great when you want to lose weight, especially since it reduces your cravings the next 24 hours. If you are more in a crunchy vibe however, you can use this spinach omelet on toast recipe instead!
Other things that I love on a bun are cheese and spinach schnitzels or fillets from the vegan section of the supermarket.

Pan-fried cheese sandwiches
Although this is not the healthiest option, this is my absolute, favourite hangover cure of all times. Get a little bit of butter sizzling in your frying pan. Meanwhile, you get a slice of bread, a low-fat slice of cheese (or if you don’t eat a lot of cheese, cheddar might be better, because of its longer shelf life), 2 thin slices of chicken fillet or smoked beef and another slice of bread. Then, let the sandwich bake in butter on a medium heat and turn it over frequently, until the cheese is melted and the bread is golden brown. You might want to add some spicy sriracha sauce or truffle mayonnaise to the side to dip your sandwich into.
Peanut butter banana pancakes
I often buy pre-packaged spelt pancakes, but fresh always tastes better. I freeze them and when needed, I defrost 1 or 2 pancakes in the oven or a frying pan. Than, spread a thin layer of peanut butter on it and half a banana that I’ve cut into little cubes before. I often eat the other half of the banana whilst my oven is heating up to battle the first hunger already.
Banana bread with syrup or jam
I often bake banana bread in the weekend without sugar or salt. I freeze these in in slices and warm them up in the oven for about 10 minutes when I need them. On top, you can add almost anything, but I prefer syrup or forest fruit jam (preferably home-made as well, but not always). You can see my complete recipe here!
Other breakfast ideas:
Other delicious, easy breakfast ideas I have written are this smoothie or these overnight oats, which might take a little more time or preparation, but are easy to travel with and can be prepared in advance.
I hope you liked all these ideas, and please let me know which ones appealed to you most!
Lots of love,
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