Forced relaxation: tactics that stop you from stressing
Trying to relax? Here are some tips that will help you to relax instantly!
Trying to relax? Here are some tips that will help you to relax instantly!
Have you ever felt like you didn’t belong and that you were just acting like you knew what to do? Everyone does sometimes! Here are some tips about what to do when you have this ‘imposter syndrome’.
Depression is definitely horrible, but it also has it’s perks. Wanna know what those are? Read it here!
Getting someone to agree with you is a skills I believe is useful for everyone. Here are some tips I learned through study, debating and my work in sales that can help you in any persuasive conversation!
Sleep is important to our health and the way we function in everyday life, but it can be hard to sleep the recommended eight hours of sleep and the sleep deep enough to make it feel like enough. Here, i gave you my tips on how to get the most out of your nights!